"Total Physical Response for Early Childhood Language Acquisition in Sp" by Jennifer Boush

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Year of Graduation


Document Type


Degree Name

Master of Arts in Teaching and Learning (MATL)

Directing Professor

Deborah C. Jessee


The purpose of this project was to implement TPR/TPRS strategies to enhance the FLES (Foreign Language for Elementary School) Spanish program of a small independent school. The population was non-Spanish-speaking kindergarten students, ages 5 to 6, with diverse learning styles. The researcher created a trimester course of study with non-TPR units followed by 9 weeks of TPR/TPRS-based curriculum to compare several factors. Qualitative and quantitative data was collected using three different tools. Formal and informal academic assessments were used to compare student performance. Daily teacher observations tracked levels of participation, interest, comprehension, and anxiety. Student surveys provided feedback on levels of enjoyment. The results showed an improvement in all these factors. It’s clear to the researcher that the language acquisition approach used in TPR/TPRS is a more effective and fun way to learn Spanish.
