"How to Foster a Love of Science Research and Investigation in Elementa" by Mary H. Settle

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Year of Graduation


Document Type


Degree Name

Master of Arts in Teaching and Learning (MATL)

Directing Professor

Deborah Jessee


Learning to use various sources of information to understand the world is critical for young students. This curriculum teaches upper elementary school students the skills they need to inquire, research, and learn about biodiversity while also empowering them to develop presentation and communication skills. First, to build a foundation, students will study animal classification and biodiversity. Next, they will choose an animal to research and learn valuable note-taking skills. Then, they will learn how to use the library effectively, with an emphasis on choosing safe and reliable internet sources. Finally, students will create and present what they have learned by developing a multimedia presentation and using newly acquired public speaking skills. Students will grow their scientific knowledge, build self confidence, and advance other personal development.
