Striking Out the Boys; Or, How I Let the Girl I Was Become a Narrator

Title and/or Affiliation

Lisa Rowe Fraustino, Hollins University

Presenter Bio

Lisa Rowe Fraustino, the kidlit@hollins symposium chair, is both an author and scholar of books for young readers. She edits the annual journal Children's Literature and chairs the English side of the graduate programs in children's literature at Hollins. Her newest publication is the Maine story in The Haunted States of America, launching July 9.


Panel: The Values in Girls’ Storytelling Voices



Start Date

28-6-2024 4:15 PM

End Date

28-6-2024 5:30 PM


Fraustino's presentation will share the long path from getting an idea to seeing her name on the cover of her first book by an author who learned the value of storytelling from her own female- gendered experience rather than trying to write what popular wisdom said boys would read. Along the way, she will demonstrate the value of revision as re-seeing in ways that can leap a manuscript to the next level toward publishability.

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Jun 28th, 4:15 PM Jun 28th, 5:30 PM

Striking Out the Boys; Or, How I Let the Girl I Was Become a Narrator


Fraustino's presentation will share the long path from getting an idea to seeing her name on the cover of her first book by an author who learned the value of storytelling from her own female- gendered experience rather than trying to write what popular wisdom said boys would read. Along the way, she will demonstrate the value of revision as re-seeing in ways that can leap a manuscript to the next level toward publishability.