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An increasing number of references to journal clubs in library literature, and the recent creation of clubs at the authors’ institutions, sparked curiosity about how widespread journal clubs are in academic libraries. An online survey announced on library listservs assessed their prevalence and practices. Library journal clubs seem to be a relatively recent phenomenon, and are more widespread than previously thought, though not pervasive. Library journal clubs promote current awareness, analysis skills, group cohesion, and intra-library knowledge, and offer a low-cost professional development opportunity in times of budget difficulties. Practices that sustain journal clubs can maintain these benefits.
Recommended Citation
Vilelle, Luke and Philip Young. "The Prevalence and Practices of Academic Library Journal Clubs." The Journal of Academic Librarianship 37.2 (March 2011): 130-136. Hollins Digital Commons. Web.
Co-authored by Philip Young.
This is the author's accepted manuscript of the article that appeared in The Journal of Academic Librarianship, v. 37, no. 2.