Opposing Views and Paradoxes


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Start Date

8-5-2021 3:20 PM

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8-5-2021 4:05 PM


Opposing Views and Paradoxes (speakers in order of appearance)

Mary-Leigh Biastock '23 “Life’s Meaning” (Faculty Sponsor: James Downey)

This presentation analyzes the logical argument in Nagel's philosophical theory that life has no meaning. The presenter will question his arguments and provide a counter assertion addressing the logical fallacies that result in a false conclusion. Nagel's position removes the possibility that purpose originates from within or outside of life. Accepting his position, hope could be lost and meaning would have to derive from elsewhere. The presenter will provide views as to why Nagel's certain inferences are not valid.

Clairanne Johnson '21 “Happy as a Wife, Happy with Life?: A Cluster Rhetorical Analysis” (Faculty Sponsor: Chris Richter)

What is the #TradWife movement? A #TradWife is a woman who embraces the fundamentals of being a traditional housewife in the modern world. Alena Kate Pettitt is a British lifestyle blogger and author who created "The Darling Academy" blog to celebrate "the role of the housewife, traditional family dynamics, and great homemaking." Conducting a cluster analysis of 14 of her blog posts, the presenter aims to answer how Alena Kate Pettitt showcases her understanding of being a #TradWife via her blog The Darling Academy. Pettit's following consists of thousands of women from around the world, indicating that her teachings are making an impact. The cultural impact of the #TradWife movement as a whole, combined with this unique following, makes "The Darling Academy" worthy of analysis.

Emma Thomas '22 “Free Will: A Paradox in Paradise” (Faculty Sponsor: Julie Pfeiffer)

"I made him just and right, / Sufficient to have stood though free to fall (III.98-99)." These two lines from Paradise Lost by John Milton are God's justification for why humanity lives in the world it does today, instead of the paradise of Eden. But there is a wrinkle in this justification. In the same book of the same poem, the author asserts that hypocrisy is visible to God alone and Uriel, "the sharpest sighted spirit" falls for Satan's deception. So, how can God's creations be at once "sufficient to stand" through their free will and unable to stand against hypocrisy, Satan's chosen weapon? This presentation will explore what the poem accomplishes by holding these two paradoxical views to be true at the same time. Through careful analysis of the text itself and secondary sources on the subject of free will, the present will examine these competing views of God's creatures as both "sufficient" and insufficient and find what the poem accomplishes by presenting both views.

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May 8th, 3:20 PM May 8th, 4:05 PM

Opposing Views and Paradoxes


Opposing Views and Paradoxes (speakers in order of appearance)

Mary-Leigh Biastock '23 “Life’s Meaning” (Faculty Sponsor: James Downey)

This presentation analyzes the logical argument in Nagel's philosophical theory that life has no meaning. The presenter will question his arguments and provide a counter assertion addressing the logical fallacies that result in a false conclusion. Nagel's position removes the possibility that purpose originates from within or outside of life. Accepting his position, hope could be lost and meaning would have to derive from elsewhere. The presenter will provide views as to why Nagel's certain inferences are not valid.

Clairanne Johnson '21 “Happy as a Wife, Happy with Life?: A Cluster Rhetorical Analysis” (Faculty Sponsor: Chris Richter)

What is the #TradWife movement? A #TradWife is a woman who embraces the fundamentals of being a traditional housewife in the modern world. Alena Kate Pettitt is a British lifestyle blogger and author who created "The Darling Academy" blog to celebrate "the role of the housewife, traditional family dynamics, and great homemaking." Conducting a cluster analysis of 14 of her blog posts, the presenter aims to answer how Alena Kate Pettitt showcases her understanding of being a #TradWife via her blog The Darling Academy. Pettit's following consists of thousands of women from around the world, indicating that her teachings are making an impact. The cultural impact of the #TradWife movement as a whole, combined with this unique following, makes "The Darling Academy" worthy of analysis.

Emma Thomas '22 “Free Will: A Paradox in Paradise” (Faculty Sponsor: Julie Pfeiffer)

"I made him just and right, / Sufficient to have stood though free to fall (III.98-99)." These two lines from Paradise Lost by John Milton are God's justification for why humanity lives in the world it does today, instead of the paradise of Eden. But there is a wrinkle in this justification. In the same book of the same poem, the author asserts that hypocrisy is visible to God alone and Uriel, "the sharpest sighted spirit" falls for Satan's deception. So, how can God's creations be at once "sufficient to stand" through their free will and unable to stand against hypocrisy, Satan's chosen weapon? This presentation will explore what the poem accomplishes by holding these two paradoxical views to be true at the same time. Through careful analysis of the text itself and secondary sources on the subject of free will, the present will examine these competing views of God's creatures as both "sufficient" and insufficient and find what the poem accomplishes by presenting both views.