The effects of potassium on electric stability and firing rates in monolayer and isolated cell cultures.

Event Type

Research Presentation

Academic Department



Dana Science Building, 2nd floor

Start Date

26-4-2024 1:30 PM

End Date

26-4-2024 3:00 PM


Potassium ions play a crucial role in regulating cardiac electrophysiology, influencing action potential duration and propagation within the myocardium. Mathematical models suggest that cyclic extracellular potassium dynamics are integral to the initiation, entrainment, and synchronization of cellular clusters (Poelzing S. et al ,2021). However, it remains uncertain whether potassium sensitivity alone is adequate to fully comprehend the intricate dynamics of arrhythmia initiation and propagation within the myocardium. In monolayer cells, potassium (K+) and firing rates exhibit an indirect proportionality, whereas in isolated cells, K+ and firing rates demonstrate a direct proportionality This research utilizes Gallus gallus embryonic atrial tissues to analyze firing rates and electrical stability in monolayer and isolated cells by potassium solution manipulation and optical mapping. Our findings showed that firing rates are inversely proportional to potassium concentration in both monolayer cultures and isolated cells. Furthermore, higher potassium concentrations enhance electrical stability in isolated cultures while decreasing it in monolayer cultures. These results underscore the importance of considering cellular environment and organization when investigating the effects of potassium on cardiac electrophysiology, potentially informing the development of more precise therapeutic interventions for arrhythmias.

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Apr 26th, 1:30 PM Apr 26th, 3:00 PM

The effects of potassium on electric stability and firing rates in monolayer and isolated cell cultures.

Dana Science Building, 2nd floor

Potassium ions play a crucial role in regulating cardiac electrophysiology, influencing action potential duration and propagation within the myocardium. Mathematical models suggest that cyclic extracellular potassium dynamics are integral to the initiation, entrainment, and synchronization of cellular clusters (Poelzing S. et al ,2021). However, it remains uncertain whether potassium sensitivity alone is adequate to fully comprehend the intricate dynamics of arrhythmia initiation and propagation within the myocardium. In monolayer cells, potassium (K+) and firing rates exhibit an indirect proportionality, whereas in isolated cells, K+ and firing rates demonstrate a direct proportionality This research utilizes Gallus gallus embryonic atrial tissues to analyze firing rates and electrical stability in monolayer and isolated cells by potassium solution manipulation and optical mapping. Our findings showed that firing rates are inversely proportional to potassium concentration in both monolayer cultures and isolated cells. Furthermore, higher potassium concentrations enhance electrical stability in isolated cultures while decreasing it in monolayer cultures. These results underscore the importance of considering cellular environment and organization when investigating the effects of potassium on cardiac electrophysiology, potentially informing the development of more precise therapeutic interventions for arrhythmias.