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Presenter Information

Anna Doan, Hollins UniversityFollow

Event Type

Research Presentation

Academic Department

Mathematics and Statistics


Dana Science Building, 2nd floor

Start Date

14-4-2023 1:30 PM

End Date

14-4-2023 3:00 PM


Under the direction of Weiqi Chu, University of California, Los Angeles (UCLA)

Advertisers in internet advertising access data about their ad campaigns across devices through secure, privacy-centric environments. To further improve the security protections for these environments, constraints against SQL queries involving multiple sets, or multi-sets, are in place. The purpose of this project is to develop efficient strategies and data structures to better detect multi-set overlaps and differences in order to better protect user privacy when evaluating multi-set queries. In this session, we will show our investigation into algorithms for detecting 3+ set differences. We developed two algorithms: the maximum-ID method and the reduced row echelon form (RREF) linear algebra-based method. The maximum-ID method uses element frequencies, or the number of times an element appears in a set, as a means to detect multi-set differences. The RREF method formulates queries and sets operations as vectors and matrices and converts the detection into a problem of matrix operations. For each method, we put forth theoretical analyses demonstrating privacy violations always caught coupled with experimental results highlighting additional potential use cases.


Apr 14th, 1:30 PM Apr 14th, 3:00 PM

Detecting Small Multi-Set Differences Efficiently for Data Privacy

Dana Science Building, 2nd floor

Under the direction of Weiqi Chu, University of California, Los Angeles (UCLA)

Advertisers in internet advertising access data about their ad campaigns across devices through secure, privacy-centric environments. To further improve the security protections for these environments, constraints against SQL queries involving multiple sets, or multi-sets, are in place. The purpose of this project is to develop efficient strategies and data structures to better detect multi-set overlaps and differences in order to better protect user privacy when evaluating multi-set queries. In this session, we will show our investigation into algorithms for detecting 3+ set differences. We developed two algorithms: the maximum-ID method and the reduced row echelon form (RREF) linear algebra-based method. The maximum-ID method uses element frequencies, or the number of times an element appears in a set, as a means to detect multi-set differences. The RREF method formulates queries and sets operations as vectors and matrices and converts the detection into a problem of matrix operations. For each method, we put forth theoretical analyses demonstrating privacy violations always caught coupled with experimental results highlighting additional potential use cases.