Identification of patients with stable coronary artery disease who benefit from ACE inhibitors using Cox mixture model for heterogeneous treatment effects

Presenter Information

Van Le, Hollins UniversityFollow

Event Type

Research Presentation

Academic Department

Mathematics and Statistics


Dana Science Building, 2nd floor

Start Date

14-4-2023 1:30 PM

End Date

14-4-2023 3:00 PM


Under the direction of Chirag Nagpal (Ph.D. candidate) and Artur Dubrawski (Ph.D. and faculty), Auton Lab, School of Computer Science, Carnegie Mellon University

The presence of heterogeneity in response to treatment effect is often excluded in the evaluation process of Randomized Clinical Trials. In this talk, we utilize the existing Deep Cox Mixtures with Heterogeneous Effects (CMHE) model to study the heterogeneous treatment effects in The Prevention of Events with Angiotensin Converting Enzyme Inhibition (PEACE) study. The PEACE primary publication found no benefit of using ACE-Inhibitors in patients with stable coronary disease and reduced left-ventricular function. With the CMHE to subgroup the PEACE trial population based on response to ACE-inhibitors, we identified a patient subgroup whose outcomes could improve with treatment, even though population level on-average analysis shows no desirable effects.

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Apr 14th, 1:30 PM Apr 14th, 3:00 PM

Identification of patients with stable coronary artery disease who benefit from ACE inhibitors using Cox mixture model for heterogeneous treatment effects

Dana Science Building, 2nd floor

Under the direction of Chirag Nagpal (Ph.D. candidate) and Artur Dubrawski (Ph.D. and faculty), Auton Lab, School of Computer Science, Carnegie Mellon University

The presence of heterogeneity in response to treatment effect is often excluded in the evaluation process of Randomized Clinical Trials. In this talk, we utilize the existing Deep Cox Mixtures with Heterogeneous Effects (CMHE) model to study the heterogeneous treatment effects in The Prevention of Events with Angiotensin Converting Enzyme Inhibition (PEACE) study. The PEACE primary publication found no benefit of using ACE-Inhibitors in patients with stable coronary disease and reduced left-ventricular function. With the CMHE to subgroup the PEACE trial population based on response to ACE-inhibitors, we identified a patient subgroup whose outcomes could improve with treatment, even though population level on-average analysis shows no desirable effects.