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Year of Graduation


Document Type


Degree Name

MA: Theatre and New Play Development

Directing Professor

Todd W. Ristau


The Little Theatre Movement of the 1920’s – particularly its definitive roots at Hollins University – parallels fiscal, social, political and artistic conditions impacting today. Further extrapolating the ethos and applying it to current accelerator and incubator modeling for business and arts nonprofit organizations offers intriguing opportunities to redefine, reimagine and evolve how we do the business of theatre artmaking.

Contact Information

Purpose Statement

The purpose of the MFA in Playwriting thesis is to provide a definitive record of student progress upon completion of the degree. This text will not reflect any revisions to the play made after degree completion. For the most current version of the play, or for licensing information, please contact the author and/or the Hollins Playwriting Department.
