Hollins Student Life (1935 May 16)
Hollins College
Table of Contents:
- Student Council Installed in Impressive Ceremony: Shelley Takes Over Duties as President of [Student Government]
- Dr. Anton Lang Gives Illustrated Talk
- Block, Lewis to Speak at Commencement
- Cast is Chosen for “Twelfth Night”
- Mrs. Kinsolving Gives Poetry Reading Here
- Writers’ Club Has Guest Speaker Sunday Night
- Va. Academy of Science Meets in Richmond
- Freshman Debaters Win Over William and Mary
- May Day Celebration is Gala Occasion at Hollins: Carol Faulkner Reigns as Queen of the Event
- Hollins Student Life Staff
- Student Forum
- Society
- University Glee Club Sings in Concert Here
- Campus Crumbs
- May Day 1935 (Pictures)
- Penny Carnival to be Held in Gymnasium
- Music Notes
Student Life (1935 May 16)
Hollins College
Table of Contents:
- Student Council Installed in Impressive Ceremony
- Dr. Anton Lang Gives Illustrated Talk
- Block, Lewis to Speak at Commencement
- Assumes Office
- Cast is Chosen for "Twelfth Night"
- Mrs. Kinsolving Gives Poetry Reading Here
- Writers' Club Has Guest Speaker Sunday Night
- Va. Academy of Science Meets in Richmond
- Freshman Debaters Win Over William and Mary
- May Day Celebration is Gala Occasion at Hollins
- We Make Our Bow
- Comprehensive Exams
- Society
- University Glee Club Sings in Concert Here
- Campus Crumbs
- Penny Carnival to be Held in Gymnasium
- Music Notes
Hollins Student Life (1935 Jun 10)
Hollins College
Table of Contents:
- Miss Randolph Announces Faculty Changes for Year: Miss Leslie Blanchard is Dean for Coming Year
- What the Funkhouser Award Means to Hollins
- Athletic Board Adopts New Monogram System
- Program of Final Events
- Alumnae Hold Reunions During Commencement
- Miss Maddrey Entertains for the Group Leaders
- Plans for Next Year Discussed by Y.W.
- Senior Class Day Program Held This Morning in Garden
- Last Cotillion Given in Honor of Students
- Hollins Student Life Staff
- Student Forum
- Society
- Campus Crumbs
- Seniors (pictures)
- A.D.A. Elects Peace as New President
Student Life (1935 June 10)
Hollins College
Table of Contents:
- Miss Randolph Announces Faculty Changes for Year
- What the Funkhouser Award Means to Hollins
- Athletic Board Adopts New Monogram System
- Program of Final Events
- Alumnae Holds Reunions During Commencement
- Miss Maddrey Entertains for the Group Leaders
- Plans for Next Year Discussed by Y.W.
- Senior Class Day Program Held this Morning in Garden
- Last Cotillion Given in Honors of Seniors
- Student Forum
- A Dedication
- New Ideas
- Farewell, Seniors!
- Society
- Campus Crumbs
- A.D.A. Elects Peace as New President
Hollins Student Life (1935 Sept 19)
Hollins College
Table of Contents:
- Reporter Answers Freshman Questions
- “Student Life” Editor Welcomes Freshmen
- Florence Shelley Brings Message to Freshmen
- Group Leaders Meet With Freshmen
- Junior President Greets Freshmen
- Directory of New Students
Student Life (1935 Sept 19)
Hollins College
Table of Contents:
- Reporter Answers Freshman Questions
- "Student Life" Editor Welcomes Freshmen
- Florence Shelley Brings Message to Freshmen
- Group Leaders Meet with Freshmen
- Junior President Greets Freshmen
- Directory of New Students
Hollins Student Life (1935 Oct 9)
Hollins College
Table of Contents:
- Kathryn Meisle, Contralto, to Present Concert Here: Music Board Will Sponsor Metropolitan Star
- Collegiate Digest is Introduced on Campus
- Honor Students for 1934-35 Announced
- Y.W.C.A. Organizes Committees for Year
- Recording of Officers Given in Final List
- New Faculty Members Introduced on Campus
- Kathryn Lavinder Leads First Senior Forum
- Happy Birthday! “Miss Matty’s” Birthday Celebrated Here Today: Was President of Hollins for Thirty-Two Years
- Monogram Club Elects Berkeley as President
- Hollins Student Life Staff
- Student Forum
- Society
- Music Notes
- Campus Crumbs
- Alumnae News
- New A.D.A. Members Give Stunt in Keller
- Cotillion Club Holds First Prom Saturday
- Cornelia Otis Skinner Returns to Roanoke
- Mr. Johnston Presents Photograph Exhibit
- Richard Halliburton to be in Roanoke
- I.R.C. Makes Several Changes in Constitution
- Miss Laura Gustafson Undergoes Operation
- Our Campus Leaders (pictures)
Student Life (1935 Oct 9)
Hollins College
Table of Contents:
- Kathryn Meisle, Contralto, to Present Concert Here
- Collegiate Digest is Introduced on Campus
- Honor Students for 1934-35 Announced
- Y.W.C.A. Organizes Committees for YEar
- Recording of Officers Given in Final List
- New Faculty Members Introduced on Campus
- Kathryn Lavinder Leads First Senior Forum
- "Miss Matty's" Birthday Celebrated Here To-day
- Monogram Club Elects Berkeley as President
- "Our Miss Matty"
- Student Forum
- Where Does the Blame Lie?
- Society
- Music Notes
- Campus Crumbs
- Alumnae News
- New A.D.A. Members Give Stunt in Kellar
- Cotillion Club Holds First Prom Saturday
- Cornelia Otis Skinner Returns to Roanoke
- Mr. Johnston Presents Photograph Exhibit
- Richard Halliburton to be in Roanoke
- I.R.C. Makes Several Changes in Constitution
- Miss Laura Gustafson Undergoes Operation
Hollins Student Life (1935 Oct 30)
Hollins College
Table of Contents:
- Dimnet, Noted Writer, Will Give Address Here: Speech is First Upon Arrival in America
- Hollins Celebrates Peaceable Halloween
- Honorary Organization Presented to Students: Harriet Ann Jackson Speaks on Freya
- Norman Angell Speaks at Roanoke College
- Play Production Class Directs Freshman Plays
- Dr. Kathleen Bruce Goes to Historical Meeting
- Senior Class Returns from Western Front: Faculty Take-offs are Greatly Appreciated
- Freshmen Attend Tea at V.P.I. Sunday
- V.I.P.A. Convention to be Held at Harrisonburg: Ninth Annual Meeting to be November 1 and 2
- Dr. George A. Butterick Comes to Hollins Soon
- Hollins Student Life Staff
- Student Forum
- This Collegiate World
- Vignette from a Campus Window (poem)
- Medical Aptitude Tests to be Given December 6th
- Athletics
- Alumnae News
- Tinker Day (pictures)
- Tinker Day Celebrated with Clever Stunts
- Class Hockey Teams Announced in Keller
- Where, Oh Where is Archie the Cochroach?
Student Life (1935 Oct 30)
Hollins College
Table of Contents:
- Dimnet, Noted Writer, Will Give Address Here
- Hollins Celebrates Peaceable Halloween
- Honorary Organization Presented to Students
- Norman Angell Speaks at Roanoke College
- Smiles for the Mountain Climbers
- Play Production Class Directs Freshman Plays
- Dr. Kathleen Bruce Goes to Historical Meeting
- Senior Class Returns from Western Front
- Freshmen Attend Tea at V.P.I. Sunday
- V.I.P.A. Convention to be Held at Harrisonburg
- Dr. George A. Butterick Comes to Hollins Soon
- Student Forum
- Internationally Minded Collegiate America
- Freshman Speech Tests
- The Collegiate World
- Vignette From a Campus Window
- Society
- Medical Aptitude Tests to be Given Dec. 6th
- Athletics
- Alumnae News
- Tinker Day Celebrated with Clever Stunts
- Class Hockey Teams Announced in Keller
- Where, Oh, Where is Archie the Cockroach?
Hollins Student Life (1935 Nov 21)
Hollins College
Table of Contents:
- National Academy of Science Meeting at Charlottesville: Two Nobel Prize Winners Deliver Addresses
- Miss Junkin Resigns Her Position at Hollins
- Dramatic Association to Present Fall Play: “Ivory Door” Has an Excellent Cast
- Seniors Discuss Plans for Fashion Show: Forum Votes to Hold Show in March
- Freshmen Defeat Seniors in Championship Game
- Mrs. Hedi Katz Speaks at I.R.C. Meeting
- Dr. Janney Lectures on Trip to Palestine: Describes Pyramids of Ancient Egypt
- Miss Rose Terlin Visits on Hollins Campus: Noted Economist Has Discussion Groups
- Dr. Dayton C. Miller Gives Address on “Pipes of Pan”: Traces History of Flute in Lecture
- Thirteen New Members Join Riding Club
- Hollins Student Life Staff-Student Forum
- Music Notes
- Dr. Smith, Biographer of Charles L. Cocke, Dies
- S.L. Reporter Interviews Cornelia Otis Skinner
- Alumnae News
- Campus Crumbs
- Bruce Bairnsfather to Speak in Roanoke
- Society
- Miss Maddrey to Give Tea Every Month
- Mrs. Miller Addresses the Honor Students
- Sport Slants
- Freshmen Give Four One-Act Plays
Student Life (1935 Nov 21)
Hollins College
Table of Contents:
- National Academy of Science Meeting at Charlottesville
- Miss Junkin Resigns Her Position at Hollins
- Dramatic Association to Present Fall Play
- Seniors Discuss Plans for Fashion Show
- Freshmen Defeat Seniors in Championship Game
- Mrs. Hedi Katz Speaks at I.R.C. Meeting
- Dr. Janney Lectures on Trip to Palestine
- Miss Rose Terlin Visits on Hollin Campus
- Dr. Dayton C. Miller Gives Address on "Pipes of Pan"
- Thirteen New Members Join Riding Club
- At the End of Eight Weeks!
- Exodus of Freshmen
- Music Notes
- Dr. Smith, Biographer of Charles L. Cocke, Dies
- S.L. Reporter Interviews Cornelia Otis Skinner
- Alumnae News
- Campus Crumbs
- Bruce Bairnsfather to Speak in Roanoke
- Society
- Miss Maddrey to Give Tea Every Month
- Mrs. Miller Addresses the Honor Students
- Sport Slants
- Student Life Presents New Questionnaire
- Freshmen Give Four One-Act Plays
Hollins Student Life (1935 Dec 5)
Hollins College
Table of Contents:
- Junior Class Will Sponsor Dansant [i.e. Dance] and Formal Saturday: Dan Gregory’s Orchestra to Play for Dance Set
- Freshman Class Elects Officers for the Year
- Bairnsfather Presents Lecture in Roanoke
- José Iturbi, Noted Pianist, Will Play in Roanoke: First Artist to Appear This Season
- First Issue of “Cargoes” Shows Literary Ability
- International Relations Club Presents Mr. Lane: Discussion Centers on War Munitions
- New Bulletin Board System is to go Into Effect Soon
- Jackson and Thompkins Receive Dramatic Award
- Hollins Student Life Staff
- Student Forum
- Lane Speaks Here on “Women in Chemistry”
- Society
- Mary Anne Nettleton Makes Alumnae Survey
- New Books are Presented to the Hollins Library
- Odds Defeat Evens, 3-1, in Their Annual Battle
- Sport Slants
- Annual Banquet Ends Hollins Hockey Season
- Lib Williams Wins First Place in Swimming Meet
- Y.W. Gives Baskets to Needy Near Here
- Campus Crumbs
- Reporter Interviews Bruce Bairnsfather
- Future Duses Discovered in First Fall Play
- Society
- Music Notes
Student Life (1935 Dec 5)
Hollins College
Table of Contents:
- Junior Class Will Sponsor Dansant and Formal Saturday
- Freshman Class Elects Officers for the Year
- Bairnsfather Presents Lecture in Roanoke
- José Itrubi, Noted Pianist, Will Play in Roanoke
- First Issue of "Cargoes" Shows Literary Ability
- International Relations Club Presents Mr. Lane
- New Bulletin Board System is to Go Into Effect Soon
- Jackson and Tompkins Receive Dramatic Award
- Student Forum
- A Constructive Habit
- Provinciality
- Lane Speaks Here on "Women in Chemistry"
- No Standards of Courtesy?
- Society
- Mary Anne Nettleton Makes Alumnae Survey
- New Books are Presented to Hollins Library
- Odds Defeat Evens, 3-1, in Their Annual Battle
- Annual Banquet Ends Hollins Hockey Season
- Lib Williams Wins First Place in Swimming Meet
- Y.W. Gives Baskets to Needy Near Here
- Campus Crumbs
- Sport Slants
- Reporter Interviews Bruce Bairnsfather
- Future Duses Discovered in First Fall Play
- Society
- Music Notes
Hollins Student Life (1935 Dec 19)
Hollins College
Table of Contents:
- Elizabeth Matthews is Madonna in Pageant
- A Conglomeration (poem)
- Annual Y.W. Christmas Party Held in Keller
- The “Wittiest of the Witty” Present Stunt
- Mother Goose Gets High (poem)
- Iturbi Grants Interview to Hollins Reporter
- Music Students Present Christmas Concert
Student Life (1935 Dec 19)
Hollins College
Table of Contents:
- Elizabeth Matthews is Madonna in Pageant
- A Conglomeration
- Annual Y.W. Christmas Party Held in Keller
- Weather Forecast
- The "Wittiest of the Witt" Present Stunt
- Mother Goose Gets High
- Iturbi Grants Interview to Hollins Reporter
- Music Students Present Christmas Concert
Hollins Student Life (1936 Feb 12)
Hollins College
Table of Contents:
- Frank Speaight, Noted Actor, to be in Roanoke: To Present Dickens’ Pickwick Papers
- Sandurg, Famous Poet, Will Speak in Salem
- Changes Made in Chapel Services this Term
- The Old Order Changes [Changes to Founder’s Day Celebrations]
- Hedgerow Players Enact Modern Italian Farce
- Emory Glee Club Sings at Hollins on Feb. 19
- Winter Issue of Cargoes Reveals New Talent
- “A Bill of Divorcement” Will be Spring Play: Tryouts for Play Start This Week
- Dr. Peake Speaks in Convocation Tonight
- Mischa Elman to Play at Academy of Music
- Hollins Student Life Staff
- Student Forum
- Society
- Campus Crumbs
- Sport Slants
- Cotillion Club Holds its Midwinter Dance
- Dr. Marti Will Be Here for Weekend of Feb. 23
- Alumnae News
- Freshman Commission o Sponsor Bridge Party
- This Collegiate World
- Miss Harwell Presents Rotor to Laboratory—Senior Sponsor Drive to Aid Endowment Fund
Student Life (1936 Feb 12)
Hollins College
Table of Contents:
- Frank Speaight, Noted Actor, to be in Roanoke
- Sandburg, Famous Poet, Will Speak in Salem
- Changes Made in Chapel Services This Term
- The Old Order Changes
- Hedgerow Players Enact Modern Italian Farce
- Emory Glee Club Sings at Hollins on Feb. 19
- Winter Issue of Cargoes Reveals New Talent
- "A Bill of Divorcement" Will be Spring Play
- Dr. Peake Speaks in Convocation To-Night
- Mischa Elman to Play at Academy of Music
- Student Forum
- Tradition
- An Alumna's Impression of Founder's Day
- Society
- Campus Crumbs
- Sport Slants
- Cotillion Club Holds Its Midwinter Dance
- Dr. Marti Will Be Here for Week-End of Feb. 23
- Alumnae News
- Freshman Commission to Sponsor Bridge Party
- This Collegiate World
- Miss Harwell Presents Rotor to Laboratory
- Senior Sponsor Drive to Aid Endowment Fund
Hollins Student Life (1936 Feb 26)
Hollins College
Table of Contents:
- Opera Company to Give “The Pirates of Penzance”: Miss Virginia Egolf is Director
- Schultz and Fowler Give Debate on T.V.A.
- Mr. Turner Presides at Founder’s Day Dinner
- Eleanor Schaeffer Will Present Song Recital: Nils Nelson Will Be Accompanist
- Book Nook Offers Prize for Best Collection
- Dr. Ella Lonn Discusses the European Situation: Speaks at Alumnae Council Meeting
- Nelson Eddy Sings Tonight at the Academy of Music
- Dr. Fritz Marti Speaks at Meeting of I.R.C.
- Hollins Student Life Staff
- Student Forum
- Joray Presents Series of Royal Impersonations
- Dr. Henderson Delivers Founder’s Day Address
- Campus Crumbs
- Sandburg Interviewed Through Sea of Coats
- Society
- Donald Bolger Presents Recital in Chapel
- Sport Slants
- Miss Lynn to Speak in Convocation Thursday
- Y.W.C.A. Sponsors Massie’s Mill Choir
- Wreath Ceremony on Founder’s Day (picture)
- Frank Speaight Brings Dickens to Life Again
- I.R.C. Sends Hayes and Berkeley to Conference
Student Life (1936 Feb 26)
Hollins College
Table of Contents:
- Opera Company to Give "The Pirates of Penzance"
- Schultz and Fowler Give Debate on T.V.A.
- Mr. Turner Presides at Founder's Day Dinner
- Eleanor Schaeffer Will Present Song Recital
- Book Nook Offers Prize for Best Collection
- Dr. Ella Lonn Discusses the European Situation
- Nelson Eddy Sings To-Night at the Academy of Music
- Dr. Fritz Marti Speaks at Meeting of I.R.C.
- A Perfect Close
- Joray Presents Series of Royal Impersonations
- Dr. Henderson Delivers Founder's Day Address
- Campus Crumbs
- Music Faculty Presents Founder's Day Concert
- Sandburg Interviewed Through Sea of Coats
- Society
- Donald Bolger Presents Recital in Chapel
- Sport Slants
- Miss Lynn to Speak in Convocation Thursday
- Y.W.C.A. Sponsors Massie's Mill Choir
- Frank Speaight Brings Dickens to Life Again
- I.R.C. Sends Hayes and Berkeley to Conference
Hollins Student life (1936 Mar 18)
Hollins College
Table of Contents:
- “A Bill of Divorcement” is Outstanding Production: Actors Give Good Interpretations
- “Ye Merrie Masquers” Presents New Members
- Heironimus Hollins Day to Aid Endowment Fund: Students and Alumnae Will Be Hostesses
- Renowned Ballet Russe Performs in Roanoke
- Miss Hazel Burnham Gives Violin Recital
- Helen Martin is Elected Student Body President
- Leight Hanes Visits Writer’s Club March 8
- Professor Rath Retires as Music Head for Term: To Remain as Chief Music Advisor
- Dr. Kathleen Bruce Gives Talk on T.V.A.
- Charlotte Urner Will Give Voice Recital
- Orchesis Schedules Annual Dance Recital for March 21: Physical Education Group to Assist
- Delegates Tell Club of Rock Hill Conference
- Hollins Student Life Staff-Student Forum
- With Love to an Eight O’Clock Professor (poem)
- Freshmen Form Reading and Discussion Groups
- Journal Club Attends Lecture by Dr. Allen
- Dr. Mitchell Lectures on Solar Eclipses
- Dean Blanchard Gives Account of Recent Trip
- Monogram Club Presents Letters and Chevrons: Former Red Captain is Toastmistress
- Dr. Smith Lectures on “Horace and His Italy”
- Society
- Future Holms Transfer Water Waves to Pool
- Harriet Ann Jackson Will Read Paper
- Committee Discusses Orientation Problem
- Ten New Students Make Dean’s List Average
- Hard-Fought Game Gives Victory to Mohicans: Yemassees Rally But Fail to Overcome
- Campus Crumbs
- Private Lives
- Barrère Symphony to be Last Concert of Series
Student Life (1937 Mar 18)
Hollins College
Table of Contents:
- "A Bill of Divorcement" is Outstanding Production
- "Ye Merrie Masquers" Presents New Members
- Heironimus Hollins Day to Aid Endowment Fund
- Renown Ballet Russe Performs in Roanoke
- Miss Hazel Burnham Gives Violin Recital
- New Student President
- Helen Martin is Elected Student Body President
- Leigh Hanes Visits Writer's Club March 8
- Professor Rath Retires as Music Head for Term
- Dr. Kathleen Bruce Gives Talk on T.V.A.
- Charlotte Urner Will Give Voice Recital
- Orchesis Schedules Annual Dance Recital for March 21
- Delegates Tell Club of Rock Hill Conference
- The Freshmen Wonder
- What We Can Do
- With Love to an Eight O'Clock Professor
- Freshmen Form Reading and Discussion Groups
- Journal Club Attends Lecture by Dr. Allen
- Dr. Mitchell Lectures on Solar Eclipses
- Dean Blanchard Gives Account of Recent Trip
- Monogram Club Presents Letters and Chevrons
- Dr. Smith Lectures on "Horace and His Italy"
- Society
- Future Holms Transfer Water Waves To Pool
- Harriet Ann Jackson Will Read Paper
- Committee Discusses Orientation Problem
- Ten New Students Make Dean's List Average
- Hard-Fought Game Gives Victory to Mohicans
- Sport Slants
- Campus Crumbs
- Private Lives
- Barrére Symphony to be Last Concert of Series
Hollins Student Life (1936 Apr 22)
Hollins College
Table of Contents:
- Hollins Riding Club Will Sponsor Show Saturday: McIntyre Exhibition is In Program
- Campus Organizations Elect New Officers
- Mary Morris Watt to Edit Student Life
- Dr. Albert Bushnell Hart Recent Visitor Here
- Miss Randolph Discusses Emergency Peace Program: Says Action is Necessary in Present Crisis
- Kate Spruill Elected President of [Senior] Class
- “Peter Pan” Chosen by Dramatic Board
- Sophomore Class Will Give Spring Dance on Saturday
- Miss Hearsey Accepts Position at Abbott
- Hollins Student Life Staff
- Student Forum
- Five-Point Program Leads to Changes
- Mrs. Lane Gives Unusual Collection to Lab
- Alumnae News
- Shelley and Marin Report on Conference
- Margaret Parsons Gives Organ Recital Sunday
- This Collegiate World
- Miss Sitler to Address Academy of Science
- Randolph-Macon Dance Group Gives Recital
- Sport Slants
- Elizabeth Sneider Wins Fellowship at Brown
- Society
- Dr Vlastos Delivers Series of Lectures
- Dr. Dexter Whittinghill Speaks at I.R.C.
- Miss Ump-De-Dump New President of A.D.A.
Student Life (1936 Apr 22)
Hollins College
Table of Contents:
- Hollins Riding Club Will Sponsor Show Saturday
- Campus Organizations Elect New Officers
- Mary Morris Watt to Edit Student Life
- Dr. Albert Bushnell Hart Recent Visitor Here
- Miss Randolph Discusses Emergency Peace Program
- Sophomore Class Will Give Spring Dance on Saturday
- Kate Spruill Elected President of Class
- "Peter Pan" Chosen by Dramatic Board
- Miss Hearsey Accepts Position at Abbott
- Farewell!
- The Emergency Peace Campaign
- Five-Point Program Leads to Changes
- Mrs. Lane Gives Unusual Collection to Lab.
- Is There a Solution?
- Alumnae News
- Shelley and Martin Report on Conference
- Margaret Parsons Gives Organ Recital Sunday
- This Collegiate World
- Miss Sitler to Address Academy of Science
- Randolph-Macon Dance Group Gives Recital
- Sport Slants
- Elizabeth Sneider Wins Fellowship at Brown
- Society
- Dr. Vlastos Delivers Series Lectures
- Dr. Dexter Whittinghill Speaks at I.R.C.
- Miss Ump-De-Dump New President A.D.A.
Hollins Student Life (1936 May 14)
Hollins College
Table of Contents:
- Carolyn Saunders Reigns Over May Day Celebration: Festival of Lora Held in Forest
- Writers Club Elects Dolly Burks President
- Dr. Johnson Speaks on Color and Photography: Shows Moving Pictures of Gardens in Salem
- Chemistry Department Members Receive Honors
- Helen Martin Installed as Council President: Discusses History of Student Government At Hollins
- Waiters to Entertain for School Fund
- Program Announced for Community Concert
- Ten Faculty Members Will Not Return: Three to Pursue Studies Toward Higher Degrees
- Lelia Cock is Elected Choral Club President
- Dean Hearsey Announces Result of Student Petitions: Stresses Responsibility of Students
- Dr. Bruce Addresses Salem Woman’s Club
- Hollins Student Life Staff-Student Forum
- Dr. Poteat Speaks At Round Table on Peace
- Pupils of Mr. Rath to Give Organ Recital
- Society
- Mr. Francis Franklin Gives Address on A.S.U.
- Advanced Voice Pupils to Give Program
- Class Recital Presented by Pupils of Mr. Bolger
- Pupils of Miss Campbell Heard in Voice Recital
- May Day: Scenes from “The Festival of Lora” (pictures)
- Keller on Saturday Night
- Piano Majors to be Presented in Recital
- New President of A.D.A. Elected by Club
- Rice and Sydnor Give Joint Piano Recital
- Miss Egolf Directs Roanoke Choral Club
- Miss Jackson Chosen as Freshman Class Sponsor
- Sport Slants
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