FBC 2021 Silent Auction



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Don't miss this opportunity to for a query critique session with a published author from our own program! Nicole is offering a session on composing a query letter to agents, plus feedback on up to 15 pages (size 12, Times New Roman, double-spaced) of a MG or YA manuscript OR a full picture book text! What a deal!

Nicole Panteleakos is a writer, thespian, and fanfiction enthusiast. Her debut novel, Planet Earth Is Blue, (Wendy Lamb Books, an imprint of Penguin Random House) was released on May 14, 2019, with a second book to follow in 2022. Her focus is on middle grade novels with heart and hope, life after grief, embracing one’s self, and finding one’s family – whether that be with relatives or with friends.

Minimum Bid: $30
