"Tapping In: A Movement Meditation for Wellness" by Victoria Rodriguez

Year of Graduation


Document Type


Degree Name

MFA: Dance

Directing Professor

Jeffery Bullock


Victoria Rodriguez’s thesis paper and accompanying video explore the somatic movement sequence Tapping In. Tapping In was born to facilitate the mind-body connection, muscular balance, and flexibility as well as implement tools for the physical and mental release of trauma. The written manifestation explores the practices that allowed for the creation of the Tapping In movement sequences such as Pilates, Yoga, Emotional Freedom Technique, Physical Therapy, and more. Each method provides a unique and valuable stance on navigating the previously mentioned goals, but no single technique led to the results Victoria was looking for. As a result, it is through Victoria’s work with these practices and previous undergraduate education that the Tapping In movement sequence was created. This intention is derived from a lifetime of high stress and physical pain due to chronic illness, as well as the observation that for a large portion of people, a high level of both physical and mental discomfort is the norm. The video portion of this thesis acts as a creative manifestation of Victoria’s experience working with the Tapping In sequence. Between personal reflection and the use of this practice with other bodies, Victoria received detailed feedback on their work’s effect, which then served as the source of inspiration for movement in the video portion. The video portion of this thesis serves as a movement meditation, reflecting on both where Victoria started at the beginning of creating this sequence, where they have come, and where they intend to be someday given enough time to work through their ailments with the long term assistance of the Tapping In Movement sequence.

Performance Access Statement

If you wish to see the creative piece or performance that accompanied this thesis, please complete the Request Form, and you should receive a response from the Dance Department within two weeks.

Included in

Dance Commons
