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Bookplate from a book in Special Collections, formerly owned by the Euzelian Literary Society. The society was a student organization in existence from (1855-1862; 1873-1918) and an important part of student life outside the classroom.
Members contributed books, newspapers, and magazines to form a library. Debates and readings of essays and poetry were the groups' main activity. Occasional guest or faculty speakers were invited. Soirees and theater performances were also held.
The June 1882 Album reported that the society gave between 350-400 books to "serve as a nucleus for the formation of a library worthy of the institution and adequate to the wants of its members."
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literary societies, reading, libraries, bookplates, debate societies
English Language and Literature | Higher Education | Library and Information Science | Reading and Language | Rhetoric and Composition | Social History | Women's History
Recommended Citation
Bookplate in The Chinese: a general description of the empire of China and its inhabitants / by John Francis Davis. (Harper & Brothers, 1845), v. 2. in Hollins University, Wyndham Robertson Library Special Collections.
Date of bookplate is approximate.