Individual Presentation or Panel Title

Why does the Rescue Mission need a separate Women and Children’s Center?


After my J-Term internship at the Rescue Mission’s Women and Children’s Center, I wrote a paper titled “Why does the Rescue Mission need a Separate Women’s and Children Center?” The paper is a combination of my observation of services provided at the Mission and my analysis of those observations. In the paper, I try to answer the question of whether or not it is necessary to have a separate center for women and men. Are the services provided by the Mission confirming and reinforcing a gender binary? Does the difference in services suggest that women and men have different needs, and therefore should be treated differently? I conclude by answering that there is no need for separate shelters, since women and men do not have separate needs. Each guests’ needs for services are and should be as valid as the other, irrespective of gender. I end my paper by addressing a challenge that the Rescue Mission, as a Christian based non-profit organization, will have to face in the near future, i.e., accommodating individuals who do not identify with the gender binary.


Janney Lounge

Start Date

21-4-2012 1:30 PM

End Date

21-4-2012 2:20 PM

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Apr 21st, 1:30 PM Apr 21st, 2:20 PM

Why does the Rescue Mission need a separate Women and Children’s Center?

Janney Lounge

After my J-Term internship at the Rescue Mission’s Women and Children’s Center, I wrote a paper titled “Why does the Rescue Mission need a Separate Women’s and Children Center?” The paper is a combination of my observation of services provided at the Mission and my analysis of those observations. In the paper, I try to answer the question of whether or not it is necessary to have a separate center for women and men. Are the services provided by the Mission confirming and reinforcing a gender binary? Does the difference in services suggest that women and men have different needs, and therefore should be treated differently? I conclude by answering that there is no need for separate shelters, since women and men do not have separate needs. Each guests’ needs for services are and should be as valid as the other, irrespective of gender. I end my paper by addressing a challenge that the Rescue Mission, as a Christian based non-profit organization, will have to face in the near future, i.e., accommodating individuals who do not identify with the gender binary.