Year of Graduation


Document Type



International Studies

Directing Professor

Ashleigh Breske


An ongoing refugee crisis is apparent in global politics and foreign relations. Still, the way receiving countries regard certain communities in this critical period has brought to light the inhumane discrimination solely based on one’s skin color and/or sexual identity. Despite the “open arms” policy that most nations tend to project, there is an unwritten protocol along borders that some states have chosen a “pick and choose” approach when it comes to People of Color (POC) and Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, Queer, and other gender non-conforming (LGBTQ+) individuals who are fleeing their country of origin. Any such prejudice and inequity are unjust in the face of war and violence against certain groups. The purpose of this examination is to understand the overt discrimination towards specific refugees and the impact this has on the communities seeking asylum from previous persecutions. Using an exploratory approach and international relations theories to examine the mistreatment of refugees along borders, this thesis exposes the reception and ignorance regarding current and past refugee crises within Poland, the United States, and the United Kingdom. Towards the end of this research, it is apparent that a liberalism theoretical perspective toward these crises is how global regimes should approach receiving refugees, regardless of their sexuality and/or race.
